A Dead Elk is a collection of ecopoetic projects I completed over the course of my masters degree in Poetic Practice at Royal Holloway, University of London.
A Dead Elk is presented as 9 saddle-bound pamphlets, printed on recycled copier paper, collected in a recycled cardboard presentation box. It was produced in an edition of 50 copies in 2017. Copies can be found in the National Poetry Library.
Some component works [The Holocene Tragedy, Fastitocalon, Mariana Web Flora] were also printed as small-run hand bound artist's books. The Red Trees is featured in Reliquae vol 5 published by Corbel Stone. As I Listen To The Water is featured in Rewilding published by Crested Tit Poetry.
Texts are below - Fastitocalon, Mariana Web Flora, and Mouth are missing due to formatting issues.